Tanya Pakar: 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian
oleh: Diyanah Anuar untuk akhbar Berita Harian, Malaysia

Airil Haimi kongsi tip mencari kerja
Mereka yang bergelar graduan tentu mengharapkan tawaran kerja sebaik tamat pengajian. Besar harapan andainya segulung diploma atau pun ijazah yang diusahakan selama ini melayakkan mereka menduduki jawatan idaman. Namun, untuk diterima masuk dalam pasaran kerjaya dalam dunia penuh persaingan bukanlah mudah, lebih-lebih lagi mendapat pekerjaan diminati atau sesuai dengan kelulusan.
Persaingan sengit para graduan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan menyebabkan penuntut institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) ‘membuka mata’ serta mengatur strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan impian sebaik tamat belajar.
Kolum Tanya Pakar minggu ini menemubual penyelidik Unitari Penyelidikan dan Aplikasi Intelek (UfoRIA), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Perak, Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan untuk berkongsi hasil penyelidikan serta tip si pencari kerja.
Huraikan gambaran sebenar situasi graduan dan kerjaya masa kini sehingga mendorong anda membuat penyelidikan?
Beberapa fakta menarik mengenai alam kerjaya hari ini dapat dikongsi. Ribuan graduan gagal mendapat kerja dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama selepas tamat pengajian. Ramai terpaksa memilih kerja yang bukan dikategorikan sebagai kerjaya dan bukan bidang kepakaran mereka. Setiap tahun, ketika musim graduasi di seluruh negara, sekitar puluhan ribu penuntut bergraduasi. Ini bererti peluang untuk mendapat kerjaya impian amat sukar kerana anda terpaksa ‘bertanding’ dengan ramai orang.
Sebarang penemuan mengenai fakta yang dikongsi ini?
Statistik menunjukkan sesetengah ‘kerjaya impian’ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu. Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Kerajaan, kira-kira 30,000 graduan memohon. Untuk pekerjaan profesional seperti di syarikat antarabangsa, tidak kurang dari 200 orang dari kumpulan amat layak, memohon untuk satu kerja yang sama.
Akhirnya, hanya calon yang ‘lebih dari layak’ akan dipanggil untuk menghadiri proses temu duga. Bagi syarikat antarabangsa yang menawarkan kerjaya menarik dengan bayaran gaji dan elaun lumayan, graduan mungkin terpaksa lulus ujian atas talian (online), lulus ujian saringan bertulis dan lulus temu duga akhir. Sesetengah syarikat juga meminta graduan menyediakan laporan peribadi sejak mereka berada di bangku sekolah rendah sebelum diterima kerja, ditambah dengan laporan peribadi dari kolej atau universiti.
Justeru, bagaimana agaknya cara seseorang graduan perlu mempersiapkan diri demi memperoleh kerjaya impian?
Dalam penyelidikan kerjaya impian ini, ada beberapa perkara yang perlu difokuskan sebagai persediaan. Ini yang dipanggil ‘Formula Kerjaya Impian’ atau FKI.
Boleh terangkan lebih lanjut mengenai Formula Kerjaya Impian ini?
Formula Kerjaya Impian adalah seperti berikut:
1. Latihan kemahiran insan (human skills) dan perkembangan proses komunikasi (communicability).
Segelintir graduan gagal dalam aspek Kemahiran Insan mereka. Mereka ini lazimnya tidak yakin berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa antarabangsa lain. Akibatnya, mereka langsung tidak dapat meyakinkan penemuduga ketika menghadiri temu duga.
2. Graduan perlu aktif dalam aktiviti di peringkat kampus, daerah, negeri, negara dan antarabangsa bersama sijil pembabitan.
Rata-rata graduan hanya mengejar diploma dan ijazah saja dan kurang aktif apabila menuntut di universiti berbanding ketika di sekolah menengah dulu sedangkan aktiviti luar kurikulum ketika di universiti bermanfaat dalam merealisasikan kerjaya impian.
3. Graduan digalak menyertai aktiviti komuniti dan kemasyarakatan secara sukarela (dan bukti bertulis).
Ada di antara graduan langsung tidak mahu terbabit dalam aktiviti komuniti serta sukarela kerana mereka tidak sedar, untuk syarikat gergasi antarabangsa, aktiviti seperti ini diberi markah tambahan ketika temu duga.
4. Graduan mestilah memperoleh Nilai Purata Gred Keseluruhan-PNGK (CGPA) tidak kurang daripada 3.00 dan 3.50 ke atas untuk memohon pekerjaan di firma antarabangsa. Bagi yang ingin memohon biasiswa pula harus memperoleh PNGK 3.75.
PNGK yang rendah akan menjadikan diploma atau ijazah graduan kurang bernilai di pasaran pekerjaan.
5. Memiliki kelayakan tambahan atau yang meliputi disiplin ilmu (dengan pensijilan).
Graduan yang membuat pelaburan tambahan dengan belajar sewaktu cuti semester contohnya, mudah mendapat pekerjaan dengan sijil tambahan yang mereka miliki.
6. Pengalaman menjalani latihan industri di jabatan kerajaan atau firma swasta ternama.
Latihan industri perlu dibuat di organisasi besar dan ternama sebagai nilai tambah apabila seorang graduan hendak mencari kerja, lazimnya perkara ini juga tidak diberi perhatian oleh penuntut serta fakulti mereka.
Saranan anda kepada graduan hari ini yang sukar mendapatkan pekerjaan?
Bagi yang tidak berjaya mendapat pekerjaan, mereka harus berfikir di luar kotak dan menjadikan keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya pilihan. Jika mereka gagal mendapat kerja ‘makan gaji’, jangan mudah mengalah dan lebih rela menganggur dari cuba memulakan perniagaan sendiri secara kecil-kecilan. Dengan suasana ekonomi dunia yang semakin kurang stabil dan peluang pekerjaan terhad, graduan perlu faham dan ingat segala aspek FKI yang dikongsi sebagai senarai semak mereka dalam mengejar kerjaya idaman.
Buktinya, ada graduan yang sudah berjaya kerana mereka ‘lebih dari layak’ berdasarkan semua kriteria di dalam rajah FKI. Jika tidak, bayangkan penyesalan yang mungkin dirasai setelah bertahun-tahun bertungkus-lumus untuk mengejar segulung diploma atau ijazah, tidak ada satu pun kerjaya impian anda yang dapat direalisasikan. Memang sudah lumrah hanya sebilangan kecil graduan saja yang akan dapat mencapai kerjaya impian mereka, tapi bagaimana dengan anda?
Fakta: Kajian Airil Haimi
Penyelidikan lima tahun ini membina profil graduan yang berjaya mencapai impian mereka di alam kerjaya berbanding rakan lain. Airil Haimi menjejak perkembangan kerjaya graduan terpilih berdasarkan pencapaian akademik, kemahiran manusia (human skills) dan personaliti meyakinkan.
Airil Haimi kemudian menghasilkan formula lengkap yang boleh menjadi panduan penuntut universiti serta belia yang sedang mengejar kerjaya impian. Hasil penyelidikan ini memberi jawapan kepada persoalan yang sering ditimbulkan kerajaan dan bakal majikan terhadap tahap kesediaan belia Malaysia untuk melangkah ke alam kerjaya sektor kerajaan atau swasta.
Antara persoalan dibangkitkan dalam penyelidikan ini ialah walaupun kita boleh menyalahkan faktor ekonomi atau pasaran pekerjaan yang semakin terhad, bagaimana pula tahap kesediaan graduan selepas mendapat diploma atau ijazah pertama?
Selain itu, mengapa sekumpulan kecil graduan boleh mendapat kerja dengan syarikat besar atau konglomerat antarabangsa tetapi sebilangan graduan seakan-akan ‘lemas’ dalam mencari pekerjaan?
Persoalan ketiga, apakah faktor yang perlu diberi penekanan oleh graduan dan belia supaya dapat merealisasikan kerjaya impian. Apakah profil yang dapat kita dibina sebagai panduan generasi muda yang melangkah ke alam kerjaya suatu hari nanti?
Mereka yang bergelar graduan tentu mengharapkan tawaran kerja sebaik tamat pengajian. Besar harapan andainya segulung diploma atau pun ijazah yang diusahakan selama ini melayakkan mereka menduduki jawatan idaman. Namun, untuk diterima masuk dalam pasaran kerjaya dalam dunia penuh persaingan bukanlah mudah, lebih-lebih lagi mendapat pekerjaan diminati atau sesuai dengan kelulusan.
Persaingan sengit para graduan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan menyebabkan penuntut institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) ‘membuka mata’ serta mengatur strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan impian sebaik tamat belajar.
Kolum Tanya Pakar minggu ini menemubual penyelidik Unitari Penyelidikan dan Aplikasi Intelek (UfoRIA), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Perak, Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan untuk berkongsi hasil penyelidikan serta tip si pencari kerja.
Huraikan gambaran sebenar situasi graduan dan kerjaya masa kini sehingga mendorong anda membuat penyelidikan?
Beberapa fakta menarik mengenai alam kerjaya hari ini dapat dikongsi. Ribuan graduan gagal mendapat kerja dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama selepas tamat pengajian. Ramai terpaksa memilih kerja yang bukan dikategorikan sebagai kerjaya dan bukan bidang kepakaran mereka. Setiap tahun, ketika musim graduasi di seluruh negara, sekitar puluhan ribu penuntut bergraduasi. Ini bererti peluang untuk mendapat kerjaya impian amat sukar kerana anda terpaksa ‘bertanding’ dengan ramai orang.
Sebarang penemuan mengenai fakta yang dikongsi ini?
Statistik menunjukkan sesetengah ‘kerjaya impian’ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu. Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Kerajaan, kira-kira 30,000 graduan memohon. Untuk pekerjaan profesional seperti di syarikat antarabangsa, tidak kurang dari 200 orang dari kumpulan amat layak, memohon untuk satu kerja yang sama.
Akhirnya, hanya calon yang ‘lebih dari layak’ akan dipanggil untuk menghadiri proses temu duga. Bagi syarikat antarabangsa yang menawarkan kerjaya menarik dengan bayaran gaji dan elaun lumayan, graduan mungkin terpaksa lulus ujian atas talian (online), lulus ujian saringan bertulis dan lulus temu duga akhir. Sesetengah syarikat juga meminta graduan menyediakan laporan peribadi sejak mereka berada di bangku sekolah rendah sebelum diterima kerja, ditambah dengan laporan peribadi dari kolej atau universiti.
Justeru, bagaimana agaknya cara seseorang graduan perlu mempersiapkan diri demi memperoleh kerjaya impian?
Dalam penyelidikan kerjaya impian ini, ada beberapa perkara yang perlu difokuskan sebagai persediaan. Ini yang dipanggil ‘Formula Kerjaya Impian’ atau FKI.
Boleh terangkan lebih lanjut mengenai Formula Kerjaya Impian ini?
Formula Kerjaya Impian adalah seperti berikut:
1. Latihan kemahiran insan (human skills) dan perkembangan proses komunikasi (communicability).
Segelintir graduan gagal dalam aspek Kemahiran Insan mereka. Mereka ini lazimnya tidak yakin berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa antarabangsa lain. Akibatnya, mereka langsung tidak dapat meyakinkan penemuduga ketika menghadiri temu duga.
2. Graduan perlu aktif dalam aktiviti di peringkat kampus, daerah, negeri, negara dan antarabangsa bersama sijil pembabitan.
Rata-rata graduan hanya mengejar diploma dan ijazah saja dan kurang aktif apabila menuntut di universiti berbanding ketika di sekolah menengah dulu sedangkan aktiviti luar kurikulum ketika di universiti bermanfaat dalam merealisasikan kerjaya impian.
3. Graduan digalak menyertai aktiviti komuniti dan kemasyarakatan secara sukarela (dan bukti bertulis).
Ada di antara graduan langsung tidak mahu terbabit dalam aktiviti komuniti serta sukarela kerana mereka tidak sedar, untuk syarikat gergasi antarabangsa, aktiviti seperti ini diberi markah tambahan ketika temu duga.
4. Graduan mestilah memperoleh Nilai Purata Gred Keseluruhan-PNGK (CGPA) tidak kurang daripada 3.00 dan 3.50 ke atas untuk memohon pekerjaan di firma antarabangsa. Bagi yang ingin memohon biasiswa pula harus memperoleh PNGK 3.75.
PNGK yang rendah akan menjadikan diploma atau ijazah graduan kurang bernilai di pasaran pekerjaan.
5. Memiliki kelayakan tambahan atau yang meliputi disiplin ilmu (dengan pensijilan).
Graduan yang membuat pelaburan tambahan dengan belajar sewaktu cuti semester contohnya, mudah mendapat pekerjaan dengan sijil tambahan yang mereka miliki.
6. Pengalaman menjalani latihan industri di jabatan kerajaan atau firma swasta ternama.
Latihan industri perlu dibuat di organisasi besar dan ternama sebagai nilai tambah apabila seorang graduan hendak mencari kerja, lazimnya perkara ini juga tidak diberi perhatian oleh penuntut serta fakulti mereka.
Saranan anda kepada graduan hari ini yang sukar mendapatkan pekerjaan?
Bagi yang tidak berjaya mendapat pekerjaan, mereka harus berfikir di luar kotak dan menjadikan keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya pilihan. Jika mereka gagal mendapat kerja ‘makan gaji’, jangan mudah mengalah dan lebih rela menganggur dari cuba memulakan perniagaan sendiri secara kecil-kecilan. Dengan suasana ekonomi dunia yang semakin kurang stabil dan peluang pekerjaan terhad, graduan perlu faham dan ingat segala aspek FKI yang dikongsi sebagai senarai semak mereka dalam mengejar kerjaya idaman.
Buktinya, ada graduan yang sudah berjaya kerana mereka ‘lebih dari layak’ berdasarkan semua kriteria di dalam rajah FKI. Jika tidak, bayangkan penyesalan yang mungkin dirasai setelah bertahun-tahun bertungkus-lumus untuk mengejar segulung diploma atau ijazah, tidak ada satu pun kerjaya impian anda yang dapat direalisasikan. Memang sudah lumrah hanya sebilangan kecil graduan saja yang akan dapat mencapai kerjaya impian mereka, tapi bagaimana dengan anda?

Penyelidikan lima tahun ini membina profil graduan yang berjaya mencapai impian mereka di alam kerjaya berbanding rakan lain. Airil Haimi menjejak perkembangan kerjaya graduan terpilih berdasarkan pencapaian akademik, kemahiran manusia (human skills) dan personaliti meyakinkan.
Airil Haimi kemudian menghasilkan formula lengkap yang boleh menjadi panduan penuntut universiti serta belia yang sedang mengejar kerjaya impian. Hasil penyelidikan ini memberi jawapan kepada persoalan yang sering ditimbulkan kerajaan dan bakal majikan terhadap tahap kesediaan belia Malaysia untuk melangkah ke alam kerjaya sektor kerajaan atau swasta.
Antara persoalan dibangkitkan dalam penyelidikan ini ialah walaupun kita boleh menyalahkan faktor ekonomi atau pasaran pekerjaan yang semakin terhad, bagaimana pula tahap kesediaan graduan selepas mendapat diploma atau ijazah pertama?
Selain itu, mengapa sekumpulan kecil graduan boleh mendapat kerja dengan syarikat besar atau konglomerat antarabangsa tetapi sebilangan graduan seakan-akan ‘lemas’ dalam mencari pekerjaan?
Persoalan ketiga, apakah faktor yang perlu diberi penekanan oleh graduan dan belia supaya dapat merealisasikan kerjaya impian. Apakah profil yang dapat kita dibina sebagai panduan generasi muda yang melangkah ke alam kerjaya suatu hari nanti?
From the article that I read, I agreed that communication skills and human skill are important to get your dream job. Student should upgrade their skills during their university days so that they can apply the skills when they go for an interview after graduation. However most graduate does not realizes the importance of those skills and lectures can encourage students to improve their skills during class.
It is true that most of international companies require fresh grads to have CGPA more than 3.00 to get a spot in their companies. They have to study hard every semester to maintain their CPA above 3.00. On the contrary, most student never bother to study smart and maintain CPA every semester as they are too busy with other activities because they thinks that those activities value more than their result. Student never realize those activities are time consuming and affect their study.
After reading this article, I found that the positive side is graduates can achieve their dream career by preparing themselves to be more prepared for an interview by practicing the “Formula Dream Career” where they can increase their self-confidence in front of the interviewers. However, on the negative side is the article stated that Airil Haimi share tip to find a job but the content of this article is he is trying to more focus on preparation before attending an interview with prospective employers and government that is called “Formula Dream Career” and he is also trying to give recommendation for graduates who could not find a job by making entrepreneur as a career. Other than that, it is also a guide for graduates before stepping into a career where the interviewers choose them based on academic achievement, human skills and persuasive personality. This is not tips for finding work.
After reading this article, I think the writer try to scare people by saying that even people nowadays have an education from diploma or degree it is actually hard for the graduates to get a job that they admired due to work market and because of the competition. However, the writer try to encourage them for do not give up to find a job that they admired by interviewing Mr. Airil Haimi Adnan from UfoRIA, UiTM Perak to share his research and some tips for the graduates. The tips are included the graduates must have human skill, involve in many activities at university, have a high CGPA which is above than 3 pointer and have an experience in work place. All of the above tips can encourage the graduate to get job and make them to work harder so they can improve themselves before go to work interview or after they graduate.
Based on this article, it shows that graduate nowadays very difficult to get a job depends on their academic only. It is because more competition between graduate in every course at university. The first six months after their graduation, more than a thousand graduates fail to get any job. Based on statistic, more than thousand apply for a “good job” unfortunately less than hundred people qualified to get the job.
However, as a graduate they must improve their skills also more active and join in every activity at the university. It can give a chance to them to get more marks when they go to interview. Besides, CGPA also important to make sure they’re qualified to get a job they apply. Additional, if they have more experience do a job whether government or private company it can give more chance to graduate either they do practical or part time job.
After reading this article, on the positive side, graduates can prepare to face the career world by taking the steps from Formula Kerjaya Impian (FKI)and the recommendations from Mr.Airil Helmi Mohd Adnan about the jobs out there and don't give up yet because there are still opportunities out there like entrepreneurship. Global economy situation now show that entrepreneurship can help graduates who still did not get a dream jobs out there.
On the negative side, Mr Airil Helmi Mohd Adnan show the weaknesses of the graduates out there to find their dream jobs and make a graduates perspective change. Beside that, graduates who did not fulfill the steps form Formula Kerjaya Impian (FKI) also loss their confidence to find the jobs and make them become jobless. Furthermore, Mr Airil Helmi Mohd Adnan make graduates think they did not get the best with their qualifications they have when they become jobless.
Based on this article, it shows that graduate nowadays very difficult to get a job depends on their academic only. It is because more competition between graduate in every course at university. The first six months after their graduation, more than a thousand graduates fail to get any job. Based on statistic, more than thousand apply for a “good job” unfortunately less than hundred people qualified to get the job.
However, as a graduate they must improve their skills also more active and join in every activity at the university. It can give a chance to them to get more marks when they go to interview. Besides, CGPA also important to make sure they’re qualified to get a job they apply. Additionally, if they have more experience doing a job, whether government or private company it can give more chance to graduate either they do practical or part time job.
After reading this article, it can be seen that the phenomenon of unemployment among university graduates keep rising in Malaysia. It was clearly shown that many of university graduates failed to get a job that they want after graduation. Researcher found that thousands of university graduates failed to find the jobs in the first six months after graduation. They have to compete with the other graduates to get a place in the job market. However, university graduates should not take this issue as an excuse for not working. Furthermore, they should know that it is essential for them to have human skills and communicability in order for them to be hired by a company. They are also encouraged to participate in the community and society activities as they can help graduates to increase their confidence level during the interview. Lastly, university graduates also can choose entrepreneurship as their career choice.
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After reading this article, I found that Airil Aimi, is trying to help graduates from being unemployed and lose hope on their dream jobs. He gave his general opinion about unemployed fresh graduates. He also made research on graduates who are employed in international firm. Based on his research, he found out some important requirements which are needed from fresh graduates and he is sharing a tip entitled “Formula Kerjaya Impian”. This may help graduates to obtain their dream job. However, many of the graduates are unemployed not only because of their low grades in academic but also lack in communication skills. He stated that graduates must obtain a CGPA of not less than 3.00 and to be employed in international firm, graduates need at least 3.50. Most graduates only focus on their academic achievements but not actively involved in serving the community. Employers would find this as a plus factor which normally graduates neglect. (150 words)
After reading this article, I found that making the right career choice is one of the most important decisions in our life and sometimes the most difficult one. It has been said that until you know who you are, you will not know what you can become. There is an overemphasis on qualifications. A qualification alone cannot get you a job in future. In this era, students under graduates having problems looking for career because of many rivals among students and graduates nowadays are too choosy about their careers. Here are tips and useful advices for graduates who are jobless. Perhaps they may try to set up a small business to raise their income while waiting for the job offers. Plus, they should encourage themselves and try to be involves in volunteer works. Besides, they should utilize during their school year or college to participate in the curriculum activities because employers look for skill-orientated people.
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After reading this article, obviously can be seen that the author wants to share the ways how to find the job when graduates finish their study. This is can help the graduates to make an early preparation before them starting to work. The author also gives the motivation to the graduates to put more effort during their studies. They should show a good performance while studying which is to get a good result and performs very well in co-curriculum. However, if the country does not have extensive employment opportunities, how can they show their ability to handle any job? Because of that, total of unemployment in the country will increase and this will affect the image of the country. Graduates who do not have the ability to communicate well, human skill and get a lower pointer, they will feel worry to apply work because most companies just want graduates who have a high pointer.
After reading this article, I found that there are too many university graduates out there who have a diploma or degree in their hands. Most of them have arranged a strategy to get their desirable job and plan for what job they want and suit their ability. International companies also provide exciting jobs and high salary for university graduates to fill any empty department there and giving an opportunity for them to pursue their dream career. However, university graduates will have some weakness when they apply for job. Some of them are having difficulties to speak in English or other languages when they got interviewed. They also did not involve actively in curriculum and do not want to be involved in activities that needs volunteer. Some companies will give an extra mark for their involvement. They must at least think or try another job like entrepreneurship since our country having an unexpected economy recently.
After reading this article, it can be seen that the phenomenon of unemployment among university graduates keep rising in Malaysia. It was clearly shown that many of university graduates failed to get a job that they want after graduation. The research found that thousands of university graduates failed to find the jobs in the first six months after graduation. They have to compete with the other graduates from different university to get a place in job markets. However, university graduates should not be looked at this issue as an excuse for not working. Furthermore, they should know that it is essential for them to have human skills and communication skills in order for them to be hired by a company. They are also encouraged participate in community and society activities as they can help graduates to increase their confident level during the interview. Lastly, university graduates also can choose entrepreneurship as a career choice.
(150 words)
After reading the article, I found that the author was trying to give tips to university graduates who cannot find a job within six months after their graduation. This is to make sure the graduates have a better preparation before they start working. The author stated that graduates must show their good performance not only in their study but in co-curriculum too. When graduates get a higher pointer in their study, it is easier for them to get a job. However, not all fresh graduates can easily get the job that they dream of. This is because of the high competition that occurs among them. Because of that, graduates will have to start finding for other job which is not within their expert field. Moreover, eventhough graduates get a higher pointer in their study, that will mean nothing when they are not good in their communication and does not have enough human skills.
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-Nor Syahira binti Baharin-
After reading this article, the author shares career tips to graduates to achieve their dream career. The author said the graduates should be proficient in human skills, communication process and they are encouraged to participate in community activities. Moreover, they should be active to participate in the activities provided by the university with the participation certificates. Plus for graduations who wish to apply for a job at an international firm, they must obtain a higher pointer because nowadays there are lots of competitors. However, thousands of graduates failed to find job within six months after completing their studies. Most of them get the job which is not related with their scope and educational background. Moreover, they are not confident to communicate in English or other international languages hence they could not convince the interviewer during the interview session. Graduates that have a low pointer make their diploma or degree valueless in the job market.
After reading this article, I found that the graduates always expect that they can easily get the job after graduates from diploma and degree even they have a scroll of diploma and degree qualifications to find their job in any positions. Besides, the graduates have their own strategies and they have many skills likes communication and human skills. The graduates always be active and participate to join activities to get some experience either inside or outside of the campus. However, many graduates come from the government or private university so they have tough competition with other graduates of different universities to get a better job in many companies. Furthermore, the companies always choose from the government university compare with private university. The graduates choose a career that does not suit with their course. Last but not least, the graduates do not have a preparation when their have an interview from one of the company.
(150 words
Syarifah Noradilah Bt Syed Mohd Azizan
After reading this article, obviously can be seen the researcher from Uitm Perak, Airil Haimi is giving tips to graduates for preparation to achieve their dream career. Moreover the researcher has stated every graduate must improve their human skills and be confident in English and other international language because it is important in an interview. The graduates that obtained an excellent Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and active in the community as a volunteer can achieve their dream career. However, most graduates are willing to be unemployed because they are too selective in their career. As a graduate from university with a diploma or first class in degree, they expect to have a good job that suitable with their qualifications. They also want to have a higher salary with a good position, but they do not fulfill the criteria for the company. Furthermore, they find a job that does not suit with their result.
After reading this article, it can be seen that Airil Haimi try to help graduates by giving a tip to find a job after their graduation from diploma and degree. By having an additional qualification or certificates can help graduates to find a job using their expertise. Furthermore, with practical experience in government or reputed private firm can help graduates to find jobs that match their qualifications. Confident in communication also one of the tips for graduates had jobs. However, many graduates did not get jobs because they are choosing a job that suitable with their qualifications. They are willing to wait for a higher position than accept an offer that was offered to them. Plus, they also want to work with international company that offer a higher salary and allowance. Some of graduates are less active in university because too focus on their studies while the employer. wants active employees to be employed.
After reading this article, I can see that the author was trying to help fresh graduates to find job by sharing some tips based on research that he did. This is a good way to help the graduates to prepare themselves for their dream career. Moreover, the author encourages the graduates to participate in community activity in order to get additional marks during interview. Plus, the graduates need to be active to participate in the activities held by campus. However, thousand of graduates failed to get job after their studies. Most of the graduates have to choose the jobs that are not related with their course because of the high competition that occurs among them. Besides that, they are lack of communication skills because they do not feel confident when speak in English and feels that they can’t convince the interviewer. Furthermore, the graduates who get lower pointer are valueless in the job market.
After reading this article, I found that every student should choose to further their study either at government or private educational institutional after finished their school. They will choose the best course which suits according to their qualifications, interests and the chances to be employed which will guarantee their life. There are many courses offered to the graduated students where consist of many fields. It is important since they dream to be at best position at any related fields according to their dream careers. However, there are many excellent graduate students now which it will contribute to difficulties for them being employed. That is why, graduate students have to compete among each other since the majority of the students now have their own educational qualifications. Some of the job opportunities is filled with expertise in certain skills. They should plan for various strategies on how life should be proceeds. [AIZA]
Tanya Pakar: 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian
After reviewing the article, it is obviously about the guidelines for the walk-in interviews which the readers can used to prepare beforehand. This article gives a clear picture of the challenges faced by the graduates during job selection process due to fierce competition among graduates. On the other hand, the article also provides the alternative or supportive option to graduates who find it difficult to get a job by pursuing entrepreneurship as a career option.However, the researcher is more focused on giving job seeking tips for the graduates as the main target readers. Even so, the formula is just briefly explained, leaving the readers in vague. Meanwhile, the qualifications and certificates needed for high school leavers and college dropouts are not mentioned whereas these blog readers are mostly youths coming from all walks of life, which are not necessarily having the same levels of education, talents, and soft skills.
Based on the article, I understand that the author is trying to give an advice for undergraduates to increase their possibilities in pursuing their dream job. He try to help the students by giving them the key to success. He had discovered the reason that had perished undergraduates’ hope for their dream job and the value that all gigantic organization wants to be nurtured in undergraduates.
On the other hand, I believe that if all undergraduate able to nurtured the value in their self, the competition might be more fierce and the job that they chase becoming more difficult to achieve. With all kind of guidance that had been furnished by the author, undergraduates will pull their trigger and strike for their dream job. If this happen, the job vacancies still cannot be fill by them as many undergraduate will be ready with all the value that employer looking for.
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After reading this article, I can see that most of graduate student will involve in jobless problem, this is because in the job market competition is too high. The graduate student have to compete with the student that graduate in the first class honest which is their result is good. Usually the company will hired student that have a good CGPA result, for the average result they will pass until the interview sessions only. Moreover, to make graduate student have a job they have to be prepared, they have to improve their human skill and communication skill by attending a class that can increase their skill. By attending this class it will make the graduate student increase their confident level. Besides that, the graduate should involve in community services programme, when their involve in this programme it will help graduate student get an extra marks when their attend an interview with an international company.
After reading this article, I can see that most of graduate student will involve in jobless problem, this is because in the job market competition is too high. The graduate student have to compete with the student that graduate in the first class honest which is their result is good. Usually the company will hired student that have a good CGPA result, for the average result they will pass until the interview sessions only. Moreover, to make graduate student have a job they have to be prepared, they have to improve their human skill and communication skill by attending a class that can increase their skill. By attending this class it will make the graduate student increase their confident level. Besides that, the graduate should involve in community services programme, when their involve in this programme it will help graduate student get an extra marks when their attend an interview with an international company.
Based on the article, I found that there are many positive values that readers can grapes it. There are some valuable top tips that can give us guide line to persuade our challenging job market. After knowing all the requirement that the employer needs, as an undergraduate will be prepare themselves to achieve their target and their dream career. However, he also try to help undergraduate to start with small business and don't ever give up without destine.
In contrast, if all undergraduate manage to fulfill all the requirement the employer might face problem to chose the best employee to utilize the job vacancy. Besides that, the unlucky undergraduate will be force to work in different field. When undergraduate lack use of English language as the environment in their life style. This make their ability to talk in English decrease. The undergraduate also might do not have any specialties of their own self.
( WORD: 150 )
After reading this article, the writer is trying to say that many graduated students are not getting a suitable job from their field. Every year there are thousand of graduate students. It will make them difficult to find their dream job because they have to compete with many people. Some of them also are very weak in soft skill. They usually are not confident to communicate in English during interview. They cannot convince the interviewer during the interview.
However, if they felt that they have intense competition they will awake and start to plan the strategy to compete for seeking their dream job. It also teaches them do not easily give up and trying to start a small business. Next, they also will study hard to get a good CGPA and become more active in extra-curricular activities. Besides that they also should be practiced in a good company because the experience is very valuable.
Based on an article that I have read, it can be seen that the author tries to help graduates who looking for a job preparing for their future plans. The author is giving advises and formula in preparing a strategy to make sure the graduates can get a better job. He also provides further explanations about how are the strategy going to work. In additions, he tells the reasons why most of the graduates fails to fulfil the criteria of their dream jobs. However, there is no confirmation from authority that all the tips and advice given going to be working when the graduates apply it as their practice. Other than that, the research that included in the article are suspicious since the writer are not explaining the referring sources of the research. The sources of the research could be a personal research made by the writer or it could be a research that made by professional authority.
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After I read this article, I found that it is hard for the students to get a job when they finished their tertiary level education due to high competition among the graduated students. Nowadays, pursuing higher level of education is a common thing for women. Fewer men could be seen going to interviews due to the competition set earlier by women. We need to just grasp whatever job we landed and at the same time, assess which level are we on. Therefore, we need to have different values added to our existing ones in order to be different than others. Communication skill is one of the most important things that interviewer look for when students go for interviews, and also the ways how we respond to the questions that sometime are not related to our job, as well as our confidence level when the unexpected question is asked; do you want the job or not.
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Ac110 5D
Based on the article that I have read, it can be seen that the author is giving tips to help freshly graduated to prepare themselves for the future. Graduated students can use their diploma or degree certificate to pursue their dream career. In addition, graduated students who are qualified and worthy can enter international companies with decent amount of salaries and high allowances. Graduates are encouraged to participate in community activities and volunteer activities with written evidences. However, to enter in the job market is not easy as graduated students will have high competition with each other. In addition, economic factor and limited job market caused graduated students to remain unemployed. In fact, not all graduated students will achieve their ambition or dream career as they are more feasible people out there. Lack of human skills and communication skills would be the other reasons of graduated students not getting jobs. -Mohd Hasif Asyraf Bin Mohd Hedzir-
Based on the article that I have read before, I found that the author was trying to help graduated students seeking for job and prepared them. Additionally, the author is giving advices and several tips for the graduates so they can search for a better job that they dream. The author provided some explanations on how graduates can use the tips. In addition, the author lists the reason why graduates fail the requirement of their job. However, all the tips and strategy do not have any verification by any legal authorities on how the tips are working perfectly as the graduated students apply it to search for the job. Besides, the author is not clearing up the sources of the research and will give suspicious sentiment especially for graduates. Lastly, the research is made personally by the writer or could be any research that has been made by professional authorities.
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Ashraff 5D
On one side, thousands of graduates failed to get job in the first six month after graduation since too many competitors compete for the job. Intense competition always happened because of too many graduates applied for the job and it is getting harder for the graduates to get their dreamed job. Many graduates are forced to choose job that not they dreamed and the most important is the job must not be a job of their expertise.
On the other side, the graduates have to think creatively and take the entrepreneurship as an option career especially for the graduates who are unemployed. They must not give up and trying to start an own small business. However, the graduates have to be prepared if they wish to get their dreamed job after graduation. A few factors which have to be focused are human skills and communicability and also participation in activities. [150 words]
After reviewing the article, it is obviously about the guidelines for the walk-in interviews which the readers can used to prepare beforehand. This article gives a clear picture of the challenges faced by the graduates during job selection process due to fierce competition among graduates. On the other hand, the article also provides the alternative or supportive option to graduates who find it difficult to get a job by pursuing entrepreneurship as a career option.
However, the researcher is more focused on giving job seeking tips for the graduates as the main target readers. Even so, the formula is just briefly explained, leaving the readers in vague. Meanwhile, the qualifications and certificates needed for high school leavers and college dropouts are not mentioned whereas these blog readers are mostly youths coming from all walks of life, which are not necessarily having the same levels of education, talents, and soft skills.
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- AC1105D-
After reading the article, I understand that the author are trying to say that many graduates are failing to find suitable jobs and have to choose jobs that are not their expertise. Some graduates are lacking in their soft skill and not confident to communicate in English and other languages that make them fail in interviews. Less experience in training also one of the reasons not employed. For big companies, they may have to pass a few tests before getting the job.
To get the right career, graduates have to plan better strategies after complete their study. They must have human skills and communication skills to increase their confidence level in communication. By getting trained experience, they will get extra marks when finding jobs. Besides that, graduates also have to get good CGPA to compete with other graduates. In addition, graduates also have to not easily give up and strive to become successful entrepreneurs.
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After I read this article, I have find a lot of negative and positive value of tips for searching career. In the positive side, graduates have a compete to find a good career. So, they must make the strategy to get a good career. After that, graduates must join in community activities because it can give a extra mark for interview. Next, graduates must also think out of box. Make the business as their career. Graduates must not easy to give up when do not get a career that they like.
For negative side is graduates too choose a career and it make they hard to find the career that they like. They forced to choose career that not in their expertise. Furthermore, graduates do not have confident when communicate in English language. Next, the low rate of PNGK make diploma or degree of graduates less valuable at career market.
After reading this article, there was a few positive and negative side about dream job. On the positive side, I believes that the student need to be active in co-curriculum because it’s very useful to find career in the future. Also, the student will get an extra mark for joining activity in curriculum. Besides that, as a graduates we must bas a additional investestment in the future and easy to get a job with the certificate that we have.
On the negative side, the student will failed to get a job after finish the study because a few factor. Not very active in university in association, organization will be the main factors in finding a career. Next, student are like to chasing their dream job without looking at the economic needed. The student need to identify the job that relate to their study to make sure that their brighter future.
After reading this article, on the positive side is many youngster today is really knew that the study after high school is really important for their future. Besides that, students in university nowadays are really care about their future and they open, their eyes in choosing the right course for their future works. Plus, not all graduates be unemployed. This is because of their excellent performance in university.
In the other hand, the negative side is student being too choosy in selecting their jobs. It is not easy to get their dreams job. Besides, in university, students usually does not very active in co-curriculum and them just chasing after their diploma and degree. They also does not open to what market economics needed and what job are most have vacancy are. In this world today, they must open their heart to like entrepreneurship because this section are the most free.
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