3rd TNTT editorial - Encyclopaedia Teechnica and 'Dunia Si Kecil Kontemporari'

This is the third editorial of TNTT coming to you 'live' from campus on the day of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, and on a warm-ish Friday afternoon after a meeting of mind (of sorts) with the Dean of the Academy of Language Studies. All in all, it was a good meeting and i managed to put a few words in here and there.

A piece of important news - effectively immediately, the domain www.airil.info will point to a new project called TeechConsult's Encyclopaedia Teechnica, and thus this website address reverts back to www.teechconsult.blogspot.com

Apa pun, terasa amat menggembirakan Editor Bahasa Malaysia dari Marshall Cavendish, Saudara Kamal baru saja menghantar e-mel kulit luar 'Dunia Si Kecil Kontemporari: Dari perspektif sains sosial', manuskrip pertama Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan yang bakal menjadi buku keduanya.

Anda yang dihormati dijemput memberi input tentang cadangan kulit buku ini yang dengan izin Tuhan, akan berada di pasaran sebelum akhir 2008. Secara peribadi saya merasakan ia sudah cukup cantik, tapi agak kurang pasti dengan tajuk utama yang berwarna ungu.

Personally, i am no graphic designer therefore anyone out there who might suggest a better alternative, please do leave a comment... until then, good life to you and enjoy your weekend, wherever in the world you might be!!!


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