6th TNTT editorial - The New Teech Times v.2.0

Welcome to the new look TNTT! Subuh ini pada jam 5.30 pagi akhirnya semua artikel yang ada sebelum ini telah dapat diformat kembali sesuai dengan reka letak baru TNTT. Although it is just a design change, it took me nearly two whole weeks to tweak the new look and feel of TNTT as i am sure you have noticed if you logged onto this site.

My most sincere thank goes to one Mr Khal-id who, the artist that he is, told me that grabbing attention is all about design and presentation, apart from the substance. Thanks to him i decided to go for this new version of TNTT which by the way, mimics nicely the 'Albeo' template i have chosen as the new face of Blog@TeechConsult.

Thank you - all of you especially Airil in Brunei, Shy-fool, Kal-studio, and my BEL120 ex's - for your kind support, tunggu dan lihat artikel-artikel terbaru dan yang diberi nafas baru dalam masa terdekat ini di The New Teech Times!

Updated: January 1st, 2009, 0238 hours

I forgot to mention that the new look TNTT also boasts of a 'read more' code together with a new look right sidebar. Please leave a comment if there are broken links, the page loads too slowly for your liking, etc... I'd love to hear all your comments!


princess said...

hi teech!
how r u?
i miss ur bel120 class
(from ur ex-stdnt 0m1c

princess said...

hi teech...
nie sy ur ex student bel120 om1c..
how r u?
i miss ur class la..
my result 4 bel dpt c je...
tp i x smbung study da..
i da xnk study....
teech,cmne nk send private email kt u ek?
ley bg ur email x?
nie my email add.

Kal's Studio said...

TNTT berwajah baru...
hopefully next sem we will see again.. there r so many2 things i wan 2 ask u teech..

Shaiful Mukhelas said...

Who is Shy-fool by the way? Is he the next Andre Leon Talley wannabe that will kick Wirda Adnan and her ilk from their respective thrones in ... say another six years? Hahahahaha ... only time could tell.

Shaiful Mukhelas said...

Wah ... semangat nie, pukul 5.30 pagi sempat siap segala ... tak tidur ke?

Copyright © 2008 - TeechConsult@BlogSpot - [v2.0] is tweaked by Teech Airil based on the Dilectio template with thanks to Smashing Magz, Design Disease and eblogtemplates. TeechConsult at Blogspot is proudly powered by Blogger, and mutually empowered by the | TeechConsult | collective. * Weblog online December 2008, updated April 2012 *