TNTT Personality Series: Michio Kaku

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The New Teech Times Personality Series:
Michio Kaku

There is a contradiction in Professor Michio Kaku's appearance. It is to do with the smoothness of his skin being at odds with the silver hair that flows down to his shoulders. He is 63 yet he looks like a cool teenager!There is kindness in his eyes and a smile tugs gently at the corners of his mouth as he talks. His optimism about the future of the human race knows no bounds...

"Some people seek meaning in life through personal gain (money and material things), through relationships or experiences. However, it seems to me that being blessed with the intellect TO LEARN gives meaning enough to life", he wrote in his book 'Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension'.

Just who is Michio Kaku? He is a world famous theoretical physicist, a futurist thinker, best selling author, television and radio personality.

He hosts two radio programs, 'Science Fantastic' and 'Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku'. In addition to his radio appearances, Dr. Kaku frequently makes appearances on a wide variety of popular shows as a science expert. He is in many episodes of the Discovery Channel series 'The Universe' and hosted the BBC series 'Time'.

He is also against violence and tyranny. He famously said, "I got a four year scholarship to Harvard, and while I was there they wanted to groom me for work in the Star Wars program designing weapons. I didn't want to do that. I thought about how many scientists had died in World War II" (quoted in Nina L. Diamond's, Voices of Truth, 2000).

He has written a number of academic papers and textbooks over the years, but is especially noted among the public for his popular books on advanced theoretical physics concepts.

Dr. Kaku, is a true genius of our time who tries to bring complex and difficult scientific concepts closer to us. He makes scientific thinking popular and he shows us that knowledge is really so much fun. He makes it easier for us to think about the future and understand the 'un-understandable'!


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