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Sertai kami di/join us on... FaceBook!!!
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Child Development, Editorial, FaceBook, GELL, PromosSERTAI komuniti maya yang menghubungkan ibu, bapa dan juga para pendidik si kecil yang berusia antara 0-6 tahun di rantau Asia Tenggara. Satu lagi usaha pembudayaan ilmu oleh!
Jadilah sebahagian ahli komuniti kami yang terdiri daripada para guru, pengasuh dan pendidik prasekolah serta ibu bapa dalam lingkungan usia 20-35 tahun yang berusaha ke arah perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman membesarkan, mengasuh dan juga mendidik 'Si Kecil Kontemporari' 0-6 tahun di negara Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura!
Do you HATE English grammar? Do you want to speak English but you are too SCARED? Can you read English books but you CANNOT write even a simple essay? Do you always THINK in your first language and translate it in your brain before USING English? WANT TO 'MEET' AND 'TALK' TO OTHER ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS LIKE YOURSELF?
Join the 'Good English Language Learner' or 'GELL' page on Facebook. We want to nurture GELLs who are active, adventurous, brave, fun-loving, and who really love this (crazy) language we call English!
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Beginner's guide to GENDER: identity, dysphoria, transexualism, sex reassignment (addendum)
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Dysphoria, Gender, Identity, My Research, TransexualismWhat is gender reassignment?
Gender reassignment is a long process. Although people’s chromosomes and reproductive identity can’t be altered, long-term hormone treatment and surgery should allow them the physical appearance and some of the sexual functions of the opposite sex. However, after surgery, they will lose the ability to have children.
A psychiatrist, GP or social worker can refer people wanting to have gender reassignment surgery to a recognised gender identity clinic. An evaluation for treatment will be based on a detailed history of a person’s childhood development through to puberty and afterwards.
The clinic will want to know everything about a person’s medical and personal history, current circumstances and general mental health and emotional stability. There may be further psychological assessments to clear up any unanswered questions.
Gender reassignment is not the right solution for everyone. It needs thinking about very carefully, and the clinic will actively pursue any possible alternatives to it.
Staff may well encourage people to pursue less drastic possibilities, after an initial assessment. These might include pursuing their chosen lifestyle without surgical intervention, or getting other forms of support, such as counselling or self-help groups.
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10 soalan bakal menantu lelaki dari pihak ayah si perempuan...
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Editorial, FaceBook, Gender, Neomaskulin, Thinking"Wahai anak muda (kumbang durjana) yang ingin memetik bunga sekuntum yang dari kecil aku gantikan napkinnya, berinya minum air susu termasuk juga mengutip najisnya yang jatuh bertaburan serta membasuh air kencingnya yang 'terbocor'. Yang aku sayang dan aku jaga, yang aku carikan rezeki untuknya. Yang lahir ke dunia sebagai anugerah untuk aku dan ibunya."
"Jawab SEPULUH soalan ini seikhlasnya kepadaku sebagai wali bunga yang mahu kau petik ini:"
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TeechThinks: 'Rahsia' tarikh lahir, bulan lahir, nama? ‘Sains’ metafizik?
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Editorial, Identity, Kaunseling, Malaysiana, My Research, Personality, ThinkingANDA sedang berusaha mencari 'rahsia' tarikh lahir, bulan kelahiran, nama? Anda berminat dengan 'misteri' warna dan cakra alam semesta? Anda benar-benar ingin mengenali diri sendiri melalui ‘sains’ metafizik?
HARAP MAAF, teruskan mencari blog-blog
Topik-topik di atas lebih layak untuk dihantar ke bakul sampah dan lebih sesuai di zaman purbakala apabila manusia masih berjalan memakai cawat di bahagian kemaluan sambil berlari-lari riang memburu dinosaur. Anda sedang berlari-lari sambil memakai cawat untuk memburu seekor T-Rex?
'Rahsia', 'misteri' dan 'sains' bakul sampah di atas juga amat sesuai untuk individu yang tidak boleh berfikir untuk diri sendiri, yang agak keterbelakang dan mendapat skor yang rendah dalam skala ukuran potensi diri. Anda tidak tahu cara berfikir, agak keterbelakang dan ada kecacatan otak?
Apa? Menurut 'alim ulama' topik sebegini halal di sini agama? Ya, mungkin untuk agama manusia yang menyembah matahari, bulan dan pohon di dalam hutan. Mereka juga gemar memakan bangkai haiwan dan meminum darah binatang. Anda sembah pokok, makan bangkai sambil minum darah binatang?
ATAU anda sekadar suka-suka? Ini senarai jawapan biasa untuk mereka yang meminati topik bakul sampah ini: "Sekadar suka-suka". "Bukan betul pun". "Hanya ingin tahu". "Bukan saya percaya". "Saya main-main je". "Sekadar isi masa lapang". "Tidak salah, kan? Bukan berdosa pun. Alaaa, releks-lah!!!"
Adakah anda individu seperti ini? Tahniah. Jangan risau, anda tidak bodoh. Yang jelas tanpa perlu disuluh, cahaya ilmu minda anda semakin malap dan hati anda mungkin dalam kegelapan...
Adalah menjadi kerugian yang amat besar kepada kaum dan agama anda kalau anda amat mudah disesatkan oleh mereka yang membuat dalil rekaan sendiri berdasarkan ‘bukti’, ‘fakta’ atau ‘kajian’ yang tidak jelas – yang kononnya berdasarkan ‘sains’!
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Bicara Neo Maskulin. Menjejaki Sang Neomaskulin.
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Gender, Karangkraf, Maskulin, My Books, My Mags, NeomaskulinPetikan ruangan 'Bicara Neo Maskulin', majalah Maskulin, Karangkraf (M) Jun 2010
Bicara Tentang Sang NeoMaskulin
Sembilan tahun! Begitu lama sebenarnya, sejak terma lelaki neo atau ‘Neomaskulin’ mula terpampang di beberapa majalah Malaysia. Usaha untuk memperkenalkan konsep sang neomaskulin kemudian diteruskan dengan terbitnya buku dalam bahasa Melayu tentang lelaki neomaskulin. Dan usaha ini disambung dengan ruangan bulanan ini yang telah beberapa tahun bersama anda.
Konsep neomaskulin sebenarnya dikongsi juga dengan sahabat-sahabat neo kita di negara Jerman, yang mana telah memperkenalkan identiti ini beberapa tahun lebih awal lagi daripada kita di Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunei – di mana majalah-majalah negara kita boleh dibeli. Anda hanya perlu membuat carian internet dengan kata kunci ‘neomaskulin’ untuk mendalami identiti lelaki baru ini.
Saya sendiri sering merewang di dalam dunia maya internet, sambil mencari dan melihat bagaimana identiti neomaskulin dipamerkan dan digunakan oleh sahabat-sahabat kita di luar sana.
Saya sendiri sering merewang di dalam dunia maya internet, sambil mencari dan melihat bagaimana identiti neomaskulin dipamerkan dan digunakan oleh sahabat-sahabat kita di luar sana.
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Beginner's guide to GENDER part 2/2: identity, dysphoria, transexualism, sex reassignment
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Dysphoria, Gender, Identity, My Research, Transexualism"Kawan-kawan semua anggap saya lelaki... tapi hati saya kata saya perempuan! Naluri dan jiwa saya pun rasa kewanitaan. Jadi saya terpaksa berlakon. Saya takut orang hina saya. Saya takut orang lain kata saya berdosa!"
"Saya pernah rasa nak bunuh diri sebab orang semua suka hina lelaki lembut. Tapi buat macam mana? Ini memang diri saya. Saya selalu rungsing. Kadang-kadang saya berfantasi tentang lelaki lain. Tapi saya macam minat dekat perempuan juga. Tolonglah saya!"
"My friends thought I was just one of the guys. But I couldn’t tell them how I was really feeling. The only way I could survive was to pretend all the time."
"I was feeling so depressed and frustrated, so I decided to take a risk and tell my family I was a transsexual. At first they didn’t believe me; they thought I was joking. Once they got over the initial shock, they have been understanding and supportive."
"Saya pernah rasa nak bunuh diri sebab orang semua suka hina lelaki lembut. Tapi buat macam mana? Ini memang diri saya. Saya selalu rungsing. Kadang-kadang saya berfantasi tentang lelaki lain. Tapi saya macam minat dekat perempuan juga. Tolonglah saya!"
"My friends thought I was just one of the guys. But I couldn’t tell them how I was really feeling. The only way I could survive was to pretend all the time."
"I was feeling so depressed and frustrated, so I decided to take a risk and tell my family I was a transsexual. At first they didn’t believe me; they thought I was joking. Once they got over the initial shock, they have been understanding and supportive."
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Beginner's guide to GENDER part 1/2: identity, dysphoria, transexualism, sex reassignment
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Dysphoria, Gender, Identity, My Research, TransexualismWhen a baby is born, the first thing most people ask is: ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ Most people never question the gender they are assigned at birth, but for some people, it is the most important question they can ask.
This article explains how and why people may feel they belong to the wrong gender, and looks at the options they might have for dealing with it...
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TNTT Personality Series: Michio Kaku
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Identity, Personality, ThinkingTo learn more about your own personality, and to read other cool topics on the human psyche, point your browser to TeechConsult@WordPress for interesting materials in Malay and English - Teech
The New Teech Times Personality Series:
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku
There is a contradiction in Professor Michio Kaku's appearance. It is to do with the smoothness of his skin being at odds with the silver hair that flows down to his shoulders. He is 63 yet he looks like a cool teenager!There is kindness in his eyes and a smile tugs gently at the corners of his mouth as he talks. His optimism about the future of the human race knows no bounds...
"Some people seek meaning in life through personal gain (money and material things), through relationships or experiences. However, it seems to me that being blessed with the intellect TO LEARN gives meaning enough to life", he wrote in his book 'Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension'.
Just who is Michio Kaku? He is a world famous theoretical physicist, a futurist thinker, best selling author, television and radio personality.
He hosts two radio programs, 'Science Fantastic' and 'Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku'. In addition to his radio appearances, Dr. Kaku frequently makes appearances on a wide variety of popular shows as a science expert. He is in many episodes of the Discovery Channel series 'The Universe' and hosted the BBC series 'Time'.
He is also against violence and tyranny. He famously said, "I got a four year scholarship to Harvard, and while I was there they wanted to groom me for work in the Star Wars program designing weapons. I didn't want to do that. I thought about how many scientists had died in World War II" (quoted in Nina L. Diamond's, Voices of Truth, 2000).
He has written a number of academic papers and textbooks over the years, but is especially noted among the public for his popular books on advanced theoretical physics concepts.
Dr. Kaku, is a true genius of our time who tries to bring complex and difficult scientific concepts closer to us. He makes scientific thinking popular and he shows us that knowledge is really so much fun. He makes it easier for us to think about the future and understand the 'un-understandable'!
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"Some people seek meaning in life through personal gain (money and material things), through relationships or experiences. However, it seems to me that being blessed with the intellect TO LEARN gives meaning enough to life", he wrote in his book 'Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension'.
Just who is Michio Kaku? He is a world famous theoretical physicist, a futurist thinker, best selling author, television and radio personality.
He hosts two radio programs, 'Science Fantastic' and 'Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku'. In addition to his radio appearances, Dr. Kaku frequently makes appearances on a wide variety of popular shows as a science expert. He is in many episodes of the Discovery Channel series 'The Universe' and hosted the BBC series 'Time'.
He is also against violence and tyranny. He famously said, "I got a four year scholarship to Harvard, and while I was there they wanted to groom me for work in the Star Wars program designing weapons. I didn't want to do that. I thought about how many scientists had died in World War II" (quoted in Nina L. Diamond's, Voices of Truth, 2000).
He has written a number of academic papers and textbooks over the years, but is especially noted among the public for his popular books on advanced theoretical physics concepts.
Dr. Kaku, is a true genius of our time who tries to bring complex and difficult scientific concepts closer to us. He makes scientific thinking popular and he shows us that knowledge is really so much fun. He makes it easier for us to think about the future and understand the 'un-understandable'!
Penyelidikan fenomena 'lelaki lembut' di Malaysia (2007) © qualitative data set - 2/2
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Dysphoria, Gender, Identity, My Research, TransexualismRentetan tampalan saya "Lelaki lembut, mak nyah, mat kepit, pondan, sotong... siapa mereka?" JUGA kerana ramai nampaknya yang mencari informasi penyelidikan tentang fenomena lelaki homoseksual di negara Malaysia, saya selitkan di sini persembahan penyelidikan saya sendiri.
If you are a university student or researcher on gender, the FULL REFERENCE to this research presentation is as below. Contact me if you want to share your own research project or to have a look at my full dataset, thanks much!
Adnan, Airil Haimi Mohd (2007) The construction and victimisation of soft/effeminate men (lelaki lembut) in Malaysian public universities. Research presented at Seminar Kontemporari Negeri Perak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Seri Iskandar, Malaysia on April 18, 2007.
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Untuk perbincangan lebih lanjut tentang isu-isu lelaki dan gender, sindrom disforia gender dan label-label sosial kontemporari seperti 'lelaki lembut', 'pondan' dan sebagainya, sila rujuk beberapa bab berkaitan dalam buku 'Menjejak Sang Neomaskulin' terbitan Buku Prima (2008).
Penyelidikan fenomena 'lelaki lembut' di Malaysia (2007) © quantitative data set - 1/2
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Dysphoria, Gender, Identity, My Research, TransexualismRentetan tampalan saya "Lelaki lembut, mak nyah, mat kepit, pondan, sotong... siapa mereka?" JUGA kerana ramai nampaknya yang mencari informasi penyelidikan tentang fenomena lelaki homoseksual di negara Malaysia, saya selitkan di sini persembahan penyelidikan saya sendiri.
If you are a university student or researcher on gender, the FULL REFERENCE to this research presentation is as below.
Contact me if you want to share your own research project or to have a look at my full dataset, thanks much!
Adnan, Airil Haimi Mohd (2007) The construction and victimisation of soft/effeminate men (lelaki lembut) in Malaysian public universities. Research presented at Seminar Kontemporari Negeri Perak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Seri Iskandar, Malaysia on April 18, 2007.
Untuk perbincangan lebih lanjut tentang isu-isu lelaki dan gender, sindrom disforia gender dan label-label sosial kontemporari seperti 'lelaki lembut', 'pondan' dan sebagainya, sila rujuk beberapa bab berkaitan dalam buku 'Menjejak Sang Neomaskulin' terbitan Buku Prima (2008).
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7th TNTT editorial - TeechConsult@Blogspot v.3.0.2010
Posted by Airil Haimi Adnan a.k.a. Teech Labels: Editorial, PromosApa khabar dunia?!! After much thinking and not knowing what to update, I'm finally starting again... (plus I prefer WordPress which is easier to use for publishing, compared to this damn annoying Blogger system that forces me to edit the HTML all the time for all my posts). Teruja juga dengan 10,000+ page reads, thank you for your kind support and look at the big SMILE on my face below...

And as you read, I spend most of my time now on FaceBook, to 'meet' me there just search for my name and add a NOTE that you are from TeechConsult at Blogspot. Ada banyak projek terbaru yang sedang berjalan, terutamanya buku-buku baru yang akan terbit. Be on the lookout for...
1. A new online community soon at TeechConsult at Livejournal
2. Two sister websites for TeechConsult dot com
3. Plus new favourites
TeechConsult's GELLpad for all things English at
TeechConsult's KIDSpad untuk dunia si kecil anda
4. And my NEW books... soon!!!
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